Vocational Training Program
(Pharmacy Assistant)

» Syllabus

Practical Competencies  
  1. Practice of safety & health hazard Measures of drugs.
  1. Practice of reading prescriptions.
  1. Practice of reading the ingredients written on medicine.
  1. Identifying the following:
  ü  Company wise draws/box of medicine.
  ü  Batch number & expiry date of   medicine
  ü  OTC medicine & its use.
  ü  Schedule H medicine from Prescription.
  ü  Restricted medicine from prescription & its storage.
  ü  First aid equipments, its storage.
  5. Application methods of different antiseptic creams & lotions.
  6. Methods of bandaging.
  7. Methods of injection pricking:
ü  Intravenous,
ü  Intramuscular
ü  Subdarmal
ü  Intradermal.
  8. Keeping medicine in different racks of shop as per systems alphabetic order:
ü  Antibiotic
ü  OTC medicine
ü  General medicine.
ü  Gynecological medicine.
ü    9. Arranging medicine as per expiry date.
  10. Stock taking of sold medicine to order new
Medicine from the vendor.   11. Booking order both manually & computerized from customer & vendor.
  12. Distribution of booked order.
  13. Preparing manual/computerized purchase order from vendors.
  14. Preparing list of Wholesale Cost price, Retail price & Selling price.
  15. Keeping inventories.
  16. Use of computer for store keeping with relevant software.
  17. Operations of normal & digital Sphygmomanometer.
  18. Operations & use of stethoscope.
Underpinning knowledge (Theory)  
  1. Principles of safety & health hazard measures of drugs.

  1. Study of rules for:

  ü  Reading prescriptions.
ü  Reading ingredients written on medicine.
ü  Arranging company wise draws/box of medicine. ü  Identifying batch number & expiry date of medicine.
ü  First aid equipments & storage.
  3.  Definition of OTC, schedule H medicine, Restricted medicine & ethical medicine
  4. Rule of issuing medicine & necessary check points.
  5. Definition of antiseptic & cosmetic creams/lotions.
  6. Principles of sterilization of first aid equipments.
  7. General principles of injection, sterilization & cleanliness of syringe & other tools used during injection.
  8. Types of injection pricking & precautions taken care during injection pricking.
  9. Bandaging & its various types.
  10. Procedures of the following:
  ü  Keeping medicine in systematic way.
ü  Maintaining stock ledger for availability of medicine.
ü  Maintaining data as per the expiry date of medicine.
ü  Maintaining sale register after everyday distribution of medicine.
ü  Placing purchase order as per requirement
ü  Calculating purchase price & setting the sale price.
   11. Basic computer applications (Microsoft office).
    12. Blood pressure:
ü  Definition.
ü  Normal values.
ü  Precautions while measuring & handling of Sphygmomanometer.
  13. Various parts & use of Stethoscope.
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